Club registration for 2017 will open next Thursday 1st December between 7.30-9.00pm & the following Thursday 8th December, both in Western House, Coalisland. Existing and new members can renew their specified Cycling Ireland licence and membership to the club for 2017.
Membership to the club for next year is £20 for adults and £5 for youth. The fee for youth will also cover their licence fee and this applies to junior and down through the youth age groups. This rate only applies to existing members. All existing youth members will also receive a voucher for £20 towards the purchase of club kit in 2017.
Adult members will also receive 50% of their membership (not including Cycling Ireland licence fee) to Island Wheelers if renewed only at the 2 open registration nights. All renewals must be made in person on either of the 2 nights too avail of the 50% off.