Dear Club Member,
I hope my email finds you well and you are all finding some positives in this current climate. I am certain I am not alone in hoping there are signs of light at the end of this tunnel.
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your co-opertion in relation to the existing restrictions. Like many, I have seen groups on the road who will remain nameless, however I have not seen or heard tell of a single group of IWCC members. As a cycling club we are easy targets, especially in a such small community and it is your responsible actions that have ensured that we remain as highly respected as always.
Covid-19 Update from Cycling Ulster
We wanted to get in touch regarding the recent changes to the Covid-19 guidelines from Cycling Ulster. As a committee, we have discussed these guidelines at length and although we may not necessarily agree 100% with what has been decided, it is our duty as a club to pass this information on to you, our club members. We ask that you please take the time to read and digest the information below so that you can make a safe and informed decision on how you wish to proceed with your cycling.
Island Wheelers Cycling Club will not be organising any group activity until we believe that it safe for everyone involved.
The following is not a Cycling Ulster Guideline, however as a club we feel it is our responsibility to advise that:
> If you decide to cycle in a group of 4, we recommend picking a group and sticking with that same group of people until there are further updates.
> Please also consider what 2 abreast & 2 meters apart means when it comes to road safety.
Island Wheelers will not be enforcing any restrictions beyond those detailed by Cycling Ulster below and you will not be frowned upon should you decide to exercise with others. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we as a club will respect that. All that we ask is that you remain responsible. Should you have any doubts regarding your own health, please do not jeopardise others.
Cycling Ulster wish to re-iterate to clubs and members that the below restrictions are still in place;
- Group cycling is only permitted up to a maximum of four riders, while maintaining social distancing at all times
- All competitive events, including individual time-trials, are not currently permitted
As per phase 1 of the Cycling Ireland Roadmap, members are currently permitted to cycle as an individual, with a member of your own household or in a maximum of a group of four if social distancing can be safely maintained. Residents of Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan are also limited to a 5km radius of their home. To ensure a planned activity can meet the guidelines, Cycling Ulster advise due consideration is given to social distancing (min 2 meters) being able to be maintained within a group of up to four riders.
Cycling Ulster are continuing to engage with Cycling Ireland on any updates to the Roadmap which will be guided by developments from governments in both jurisdictions. Further information on this will be available ahead of the Irish government’s plan to move into phase 2 on 8th June.
Social distancing remains a key aspect of the plans outlined by the governments in both jurisdictions until the final stage. The return to competition is also restricted until the later stages of these plans, this includes all cycling disciplines.
Cycling Ulster clubs and members need to continue to adhere to the current regulations in place. Any breaking of these regulations reflects badly on the members, clubs, and wider cycling community and could also impact on society’s attempt to combat the spread of Covid-19 and lead to restrictions being in place for longer.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the many clubs and members who have been adhering to the restrictions placed upon us during these difficult months and look forward to the phases ahead when we can once again enjoy the competitive and social aspects our sport affords us all.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my email and thank you once again for your co-operation.
We are aware that this has been a very difficult for many different reasons and if there is anything that IWCC can do for you or your families then please do not hesitate to get in touch.